Technology Blog: MainConcept

Is Misclassification Really a Problem?

Written by Benjamin Shirley | Sep 10, 2024

How can we save broadcast from misclassification and re-structure the future of media?

This exclusive article explores the misclassification of the broadcast industry, and what can be done to re-construct, re-classify and future-proof our workflows. Re-classification is important, and the first step is always to recognize that mindset is key. We’ll be touching on everything from the future of paid TV, real-world examples of streaming and media solutions and how broadcasters and media providers can implement new, efficient strategies.

Areas of discussion:

  • The importance of mindset when it comes to misclassification
  • Why is misclassification an issue?
  • Real-time examples of misclassification, and how to fix it
  • The future of paid TV
  • How we can merge the separate worlds of ‘traditional broadcast’ and ‘streaming' as one multi-faceted broadcast stack