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IBC 2024
September 13-16 ⏤ Amsterdam, NL
Inter BEE 2024
November 13-15 ⏤ Tokyo, Japan
Latest News
MainConcept Expands LCEVC with Wowza and Adds JPEG XS SDK to MainConcept Easy Video API ‘EVA’
MainConcept Releases Officially Approved Dolby Digital Plus Pro Plugins for FFmpeg
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Codec-Based Ad-Tech

How can video providers improve engagement and deliver highly targeted and personalized ads?

Introducing EVA

MainConcept Easy Video API (EVA) - control hardware and software codecs through a single API

CMAF: Low-Latency at Scale

Watching live sports or any live event is all about the moment. Any significant delay can be frustrating. This paper introduces the options, highlighting what sets CMAF apart.
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Technology Blog

Geoff GordonSep 11, 20244 min read

Pioneering the Future with MainConcept at IBC 2024

It's that time of year again! With IBC just over one week away, let’s sit down and ...
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Frank SchönbergerAug 7, 20246 min read

A Broadcast Gold Medal Team Event: MainConcept powers the Paris Olympics 2024

The Paris Olympics are probably the most anticipated and biggest global sporting event in ...
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Frank SchönbergerAug 1, 20247 min read

Showing a Live Immersive MPEG-H Audio Workflow at NAB 2024

The past years were mainly driven by larger resolutions and codecs in video. But since ...
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Nicolai OttoSep 14, 20236 min read

Leveraging Codec Features for Improved Efficiency, Cost Savings and Seamless Delivery

Codecs are used at pretty much every stage of the broadcast workflow, from capturing the ...
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Geoff GordonAug 28, 20234 min read

MainConcept at IBC: Simplify workflows, Minimize Risk, Save Time, and Ensure Consistent Quality.

The MainConcept team is excited to be heading back to Amsterdam for IBC this September. ...
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MainConcept TeamMay 11, 20233 min read

NAB, VVC, 8K, FFmpeg Plugins and Industry Collaboration

Collaboration is a hallmark of the broadcasting, media and entertainment business, and ...
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MainConcept TeamJan 12, 20234 min read

MainConcept: 30 Years and Counting

January 1, 2023 marked the auspicious occasion of MainConcept’s 30th year in business as ...
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MainConcept TeamOct 4, 20223 min read

IBC 2022 Retrospective: From Austin to Aachen to Amsterdam

Traveling from Austin to Aachen to Amsterdam for the IBC 2022 Show exposed to me how ...
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Frank SchönbergerAug 18, 20225 min read

First Glimpse of MainConcept VVC and MPEG-H Audio Encoding at SET Expo

From 23–25 August 2022, MainConcept® will showcase an exciting preview of our latest ...
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Geoff GordonMay 10, 20225 min read

In Retrospect: NAB Show 2022

It happened, it finally happened! Our biggest industry trade show, NAB (National ...
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